What is GPTZero?

GPTZero is the leading AI detector designed to identify whether a document has been authored by a large language model, such as ChatGPT. This advanced tool evaluates text on sentence, paragraph, and document levels, utilizing a model trained on a vast and diverse corpus of both human-written and AI-generated content. With an impressive track record of over 2.5 million global users and partnerships with more than 100 organizations across various sectors—including education, hiring, and publishing—GPTZero is a trusted resource for verifying the authenticity of written work.

How to Use GPTZero

Using GPTZero is straightforward: you can either paste the text you wish to analyze or upload a document. The tool returns a comprehensive detection report, highlighting specific sentences where AI-generated content is suspected. Unlike many other detectors that merely present numeric scores, GPTZero provides insightful interpretations of the results, enabling users to engage in meaningful discussions about the use of AI in writing. This feature is especially beneficial for educators who seek to foster dialogue with students regarding the implications of AI usage in academic settings.



Writing Helper

Added Date

January 13, 2025


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Free Tier:
- Basic AI detection features for individual users
- Access to sentence-level highlighting
- $0/month

Pro Tier:
- Advanced detection capabilities for larger texts and batch processing
- Unlimited access to the dashboard and API
- $19/month

Enterprise Tier:
- Customized solutions for educational institutions and organizations
- Dedicated support and consultation services
- Custom pricing based on needs